Tuesday 16 February 2016

Castiel's 100 WC Week#8

                                                                        Lucky Pencil
 With my lucky pencil, no test could defeat me. The only problem was, I couldn’t find it. I had searched everywhere but apparently, the universe just didn’t want me to succeed on this test. Atlas, I reached the one room I hadn’t yet searched, the garage. Of course there was no possible chance a pencil would hidden beneath an array of work tools and grime, but I decided to give it a chance. The door opened and there it was, my dad’s lucky hammer, my bike, the earring my mom lost two years ago and every random piece of matter you could think of.  My pencil, however, was not among the vast piles of unnecessary items. Great, I thought, I am bound to fail the test.    


  1. I really love your story! It has great detail and I love your powerful opening sentence. You have two didn't wants after the universe. Overall great story!

  2. Well written. Great job with your punctuation. A challenge for you in the future is to have a story with a big idea or message, something that makes the reader pause and think. This might mean writing more than 100 words but then revising it down to 100 words. An example might be some of the picture books we read with important messages for the readers to take away.
