Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Castiel's 100 Word Challenge Week #10

I was once like them. Tall, still, the sun shining off my ebony complexion giving me a glorious gleam. Much like them, I would stand around day to day conversing with my fellow peers, all whom were like me but at the same time looked as if they came from across the world. But that was all long before I stopped abiding by the rules, stopped caring. Long before I was cast out from being one of those absolute ideals. Now I am just a mere bush, beside a trio of impeccable statues. Maybe if I truly wanted to keep my position, I would’ve worked harder to follow the decree.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Castiel's 100 Word Challenge Week #9

                                  What Happens When I Try and Save The World, Again

The cries of the civilians echoed through the city as I swooped in to defeat a fifty feet tall, weasel-like superhuman. Man, sometimes I just wished the humans would shut up! It was bad enough that I had to, yet again, save their lives, I really didn't need a crowd of ordinary people cheering me on for every single thing I do.  How would you feel if a band of obnoxious rats cheered every time you tried to do your normal, everyday job, and then screamed when the smallest piece of dust comes floating towards them? Finishing the enemy off in a single blow, I realized that I was done putting up with bystanders watching everything I do, it was time that I destroyed them too.